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    작성일 : 13-11-21 09:37
    [공지사항] 2014년도 미국심리학회 연차총회 (American Psychological Association Annual Convention) Poster Session 접수 #1
     글쓴이 : 행복연구소
    조회 : 486,272  

    그 동안 "본능심리이론"에 대한 발표를 하지 않고 외도상담에만 적용을 하고 있었는데, 2014년 8월에 미국 워싱톤에서 개최되는 미국심리학회의 "2014 APA Annual Convention"에 발표를 하기 위하여 접수를 하였다.

    먼저 본능심리이론에 대한 "인간심리체계"에 대한 내용이다.

    본능심리이론을 알리고자 하는 목적으로 갖고 있지만, 선정될지의 여부는 2014년 2월에 발표된다. 최소한 본능심리이론의 도서출간과 함께 영문판(미국으로 출간예정)의 도서출간 등을 하기 전에 접수를 하는 것이 좋을 것이라는 생각을 하였다.

    한국에서도 독자적인 새로운 심리이론, 상담기법, 심리치료기법 등을 개발하여 사용하고 있다는 것을 알려주고 싶고, 한국이 더 이상 심리이론과 상담이론의 변방국가가 아니라는 것을 알려주고 싶다. 이에 따라서 심리이론의 창시자(예를 들면, 이마고 부부관계치료"의 개발자인 하빌 헨드릭스 박사과 헨렌 헌트 박사 부부)와 만나서 문제점과 보완방법 등을 논의하고 싶기도 하다. 이제 본능심리이론을 알리는 시작으로 APA에 제출을 한다.


    2014 APA Annual Convention

    1. Preferred mode of presentation : Poster Session

    2.Title of presentation : 

       BonNeung Psychology System - A new Human Psychology System and standard

       First index term: 10.11.2 individual

    3. Division to submit this proposal : 17 - Counseling

    4. Name of sponsor : Katherine Lacasse


    BonNeung Psychology System - A new Human Psychology System and standard

    (Based upon analysis and counseling reports of some 50,000 sessions on Affair and Infidelity Problem


    From fifteen years of counseling Affair and Infidelity Problems, we have come to analyze psychological

    problems and disorders that are accompanied in Affair and Infidelity Problem cases and to research for

    basic principles of human psychology.

    Affair problems are totally different from any other problems as each case shows unique psychological

    disorder and problem, couple conflicts, sex and family relations, social and financial problems and so forth.

    Likewise, without understanding the basic principle of human psychology, an Affair and Infidelity problem

    and its psychological problems and disorders can never be solved.

    It is our policy to issue Analysis and Counseling Reports, to our clients after each session. From these,

    similar patterns were observed which could not have been interpreted by known theories. By finding how

    and why these patterns are organized and by setting rules of psychology, BonNeung Psychology was born.

    (Korean word for Instinct, adapted to differentiate instincts of human beings and animals.)

    BonNeung Psychology Theory divides Unconsciousness Psychology into Habit Psychology and

    BonNeung Psychology, which is unique to human beings and the standard of Happiness Pursuit. Since

    Happiness Pursuits differ in Men and Women, BonNeung Psychology is different between them.

    Human Psychology is divided in to Consciousness Psychology, Habit Psychology and BonNeung

    Psychology that controls the former two. Consciousness Psychology receives feelings, thinks and

    remembers whereas Habit Psychology expresses by speeches, behaviors and countenances and

    reinterprets through thoughts.

    Multiple types of known Defense Mechanisms are regarded as outcome types from Habit Psychology

    and are not considered unique in individuals. In BonNeung Psychology, there are Refusal Defense

    Mechanism and Acceptance Defense Mechanism only.

    In BonNeung Psychology Theory, all psychologies abide by the following three standards of BonNeung


    The First is the Standard of Happiness: Men pursue Future Happiness and women pursue Present

    Happiness. BonNeung Psychology controls Consciousness and Habit Psychology according to whether

    individual feelings abide by or go against his/her Standard of Happiness.

    The second is the Defense Mechanism against Positive and Negative Feelings which also follows the

    Standard of Happiness: Men’s Defense Mechanism refuses negative feelings and accepts positive feelings.

    Women’s Defense Mechanism refuses positive feelings and accepts negative feelings. Thus, men remember

    positive feelings (of a past incident) and forget negative feelings. Women remember negative feelings but

    forget positive feelings.

    The third is Seong Psychology (Korean word for Sex, adapted to differentiate sex psychology from the action itself). Men’s Seong Psychology activates during the course of passion, women, during the course of love. Thus, men seek sex when he feels passionate whereas women equalize sex with love.

    BonNeung Psychology controls Consciousness Psychology and Habit Psychology so that human psychologies fit Standard of Happiness. This is the basic concept of BonNeung Psychology Theory.


    개인정보취급방침 | 이메일무단수집거부 | 서비스이용약관 | 업무제휴문의

    본 사이트에 있는 모든 내용은 행복연구소(주)에 저작권이 있으며 저작권자의 허락 없이 무단 복제 및 사용을 금합니다.
    행복연구소(주) | 서울특별시 강남구 도산대로 213 (신사동) 3층 | 구주소 : 서울시 강남구 신사동 587-13
    Tel : 02)418-3003 | Fax : 02)418-3093 | 사업자번호 : 106-86-84108
    통신판매번호 : 강남-02229호 | 대표이사 : 권다미 | 개인정보책임자 : 권다미 | 대표이메일 : dami38@hanmail.net       LOGIN

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