그 동안 "본능심리이론"에 대한 발표를 하지 않고 외도상담에만 적용을 하고 있었는데, 2014년 8월에 미국 워싱톤에서 개최되는 미국심리학회의 "2014 APA Annual Convention"에 발표를 하기 위하여 접수를 하였다.
두번째는 "트라우마의 기억차이"에 대한 내용이다.
제출한 내용이 선정될지의 여부는 2014년 2월에 발표된다. 최소한 본능심리이론의 도서출간과 함께 영문판(미국으로 출간예정)의 도서출간 등을 하기 전에 접수를 하는 것이 좋을 것이라는 생각을 하였다.
한국에서도 독자적인 새로운 심리이론, 상담기법, 심리치료기법 등을 개발하여 사용하고 있다는 것을 알려주고 싶고, 한국이 더 이상 심리이론과 상담이론의 변방국가가 아니라는 것을 알려주고 싶다.
이에 따라서 심리이론의 창시자(예를 들면, 이마고 부부관계치료"의 개발자인 하빌 헨드릭스 박사과 헨렌 헌트 박사 부부)와 만나서 문제점과 보완방법 등을 논의하고 싶기도 하다. 이제 본능심리이론을 알리는 시작으로 APA에 제출을 한다.
2014 APA Annual Convention
1. Preferred mode of presentation : Poster Session
2.Title of presentation : Differences and Errors in Memory of Trauma in Men and Women
First index term : 80 Trauma
3. Division to submit this proposal : 56 - Trauma Psychology
4. Name of sponsor : Katherine Lacasse
Differences and Errors in Memory of Trauma in Men and Women
A sound woman possesses trauma while a sound man does not.
From analyzing memory of feelings on an incident, in sound men and women, it was easy to find that
women remember negative feelings whereas men, positive feelings while information of the incidents were
equally stored. Therefore, men do not have trauma (remembered negative feelings) but women do; thus,
the Differences in Memory of Feelings between Men and Women.
Healthy men remember positive feelings only and think women would be just like them. Same system goes
with women. This is called the Errors in Memory of Feelings. Remembering either positive or negative
feelings are distorted and mistaken thoughts but are believed to be normal.
However, problem occurs when once men recall negative feelings and information on past incidents are
remembered, they recognize all the past related incidents as negative feelings and expand their negative
feelings. Men’s psychological disorder happens quickly when they expand negative feelings; a problem in
memory of feelings.
Normally, men guess past incident’s feelings to be negative and when they concentrate into the now
guessed negative feelings, they mistake them to be negative feelings of past incidents.
When present negative feelings occur and men recall past incident, they unites present feelings with the past
incidents and distorts negative feelings. Past incidents and present negative feelings are united and the past
negative feelings are replaced with present negative feelings. The problem of remembering present negative
feelings as past feelings by uniting these two occur while the incident itself is correct. This is why when men
remember negative feelings, all the past incidents related feelings are replaced by present negative feelings
and the expanded negative feelings replacing past incident feelings are drastically increased.
When women remember positive feelings and the past incident is remembered, the feelings are recognized
as positive. Women’s psychological disorder happens when remembered positive feelings are expanded to
all the past incidents.
Normally, women guess past incidents to be positive and when they are absorbed in positive feelings, they
mistake guessed positive feelings to be positive feeling of the past incidents.
When women recall present positive feelings and past incident is remembered, present feelings are united
with the past incidents as women are not able to remember positive feelings. Thus, distortion effect of uniting present positive feelings and past incidents occur while the facts of incidents remain correct.
Women’s present positive feelings are expanded to replace the feelings of the past incident, making all past
incidents to be positive and expanding positive feelings drastically.
Differences in remembering feelings in men and women are due to the differences in BonNeung Psychology: different trauma psychology in men and women. Thus, clear analyses on the Differences and Error of Memory of Feelings are mandatory as they are the cause of negative feelings, traumas and differ in men and women.